Aclas LS 2615 Barcode Label Scale

Aclas LS 2615 Barcode Label Scale


Aclas LS 2615 Barcode Label Scale – Price Computing Scale with Thermal Printer for Supermarkets, Wet Markets & Seafood Stores

Aclas LS 2615 Barcode Label Scale is a high-performance price computing scale designed to streamline pricing and labeling for supermarkets, mini-markets, seafood stores, and other retail environments. This scale features a built-in thermal label barcode printer, making it easy to generate accurate labels with item details such as price, weight, and expiration date.


  • The scale is insect-proof design to avoid various breakdowns caused by the insects , which is especially for wet market.
  • The unit price is selectable such as per / 100g , per / 500g , per / kg , per / OZ and per / LSB.
  • The label format size is ( 30 x 30 mm ~ 55 x 60 mm ) to reduce the label paper cost.
  • Unit Weight is selectable (such as gram , 10g , 50g , 100g , 500g , 600g , kg , OZ and LSB ).
  • The PLU software is similar to microsoft EXCEL and easily connect to POS system. PLU such as , item name , part number , unit price , pack date , expire date , graphic logo , etc.
  • This scale can connect to network on-line system by phone line or broad band. The label format can print vertical or horizontal barcode.
  • The printing density can be adjusted the sensitivity of label paper.
  • The keyboard can be dismantled from the machine for clean up and has water-resistance capability.



6kg x 1g , 15kg x 2g , 30kg x 5g .

Display Resolution  

1/3000 , 1/7500 , 1/15000  ( 15kg 1g , optional )

LCD Type

Double-faced , auto back-light LCD , Alpha Numeric lattice

Operation temperature 

 0 degree ~ 40 degree , 10 % ~ 85 % R.H.

Storage Environment   

-20 ~ 85 degree ,  5 % ~ 95 % R.H.

PLU Quantity  

1024 pcs (expandable)

Power Source 

AC115V / 220V / 240V 50/60 Hz adaptor

Thermal Printer Head  

56 mm width 203 dot/in

Power Consumption :
Sleeping mode : 3W   
Printing Mode : 30W    



 LS 2615

 LS 2615

 LS 2615


 6 kg

 15 kg

 30 kg

Division ( dual range )

 1g / 2g

 2g / 5g

 5g / 10g


View more about Aclas LS 2615 Barcode Label Scale on main site